December… Another year is coming to the end and new year resolutions are slowly forming in our mind. We tell ourselves “dream big”, we remind each other that “if your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough” and then, when it comes to putting our goals into action, we are hit by […]
Does your title really reflect your success?
Since almost the beginning of our days we are conditioned to be successful. For long ages success meant advanced career with a shiny job title, successful marriage/partnership, a couple of kids, well, you know the gist. We ask kids what they wanna be when they grow up and expect them to name their potential career […]
Respect paves a highway to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
21st century. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are key elements of every bigger organization’s DNI. Recommendations on the percentage of women in leadership positions are stated in legislation and organizational rules. We are proud of women achievers, we are pleased with maximizing every aspect of diversity and we put a lot of effort to create an […]
Communicability and EQ: essential project manager skills
PART 2: EQ Back in days when I started my career, the rule about emotions at work was very clear – you leave them outside. There was no place for them and we all needed to be “professional” meaning calm and emotionless. Even joy of achievement had to be extremely moderate. Even worse for women […]
Communicability and EQ: essential Project Manager’s skills
PART 1: COMMUNICATION Recently I was invited share my experience about project management. Very exciting, indeed, except that I could not call myself a conventional project manager. Those who know me are well aware that when it comes to projects, I have my own ways of dealing with things – I’m always more focused on […]
The trap of expectations
“No expectations – no disappointment” is one of my favorite sayings. Pretty blunt but true. Lately more and more people get disappointed with their current life situation/employer/manager/career/partner that they start changing them. They go on a mission to find the perfect one = fully meeting all expectations. The level of consciousness and the effort put […]
Balance between work and life: why do you choose not to have it?
Question about work and life balance became even more important during the pandemic. Many people struggle to find the right balance between work and their lives. Numerous articles give advice and tips on how to master it and yet the same question still bothers many. In order to help you to find the answer let […]
How fear impacts work life
When I mention word „fear“ people often think that we will discuss personal life matters. As if it doesn’t exist in business world. We may not admit or not notice but fear is a very „popular“ motive in our work environment. Quite often it stands behind great career achievements and success stories even though it […]